Amplitude Training

Frequency band neurofeedback is based on training of amplitudes of certain frequency bands in the EEG. The raw EEG consists of waves or frequencies that vary in time, much like a sound signal, or a vibration. These frequencies can be grouped into frequency bands and are named using Greek letters. Each of these frequency bands possess specific characteristics and are involved in various behaviors. EEG provides useful information but adding other physiological signals like EMG,  HRV or Skin Conductance show state changes via moment to moment autonomic responses.

How is it measured ?

Measuring multiple frequency band protocols. All frequency bands can be addressed in training. Some common predefined training protocols are:

The SMR training protocol is based on up-training beta activity in the frequency range of 12-15 Hz. The SMR rhythm is a spindle-like waveform in the EEG, originating from the thalamus and projected to the sensorimotor cortex in case there is reduced activity in the sensory and motor pathways. In other words, when you are physically inactive and mentally alert (but not over-alert), your brain produces more SMR rhythms.