What is Biofeedback ?

Purpose of biofeedback

The ultimate goal of biofeedback is for an individual to gain more control over and learn how to change physiological activity and influencing behavior that leads to imbalances in these processes. By using physiological signals, measured by NeXus systems, such as brainwaves, heart function, breathing, muscle activity and skin temperature provided to an individual as real-time feedback, people can learn to become aware of usually unconscious processes, thereby allowing them to self-regulate physiological processes. Over time the provided feedback supports desired changes that over time can endure without continued use of an instrument, with desired positive mental and physical health outcomes.

What is biofeedback therapy?

During a biofeedback session real-time audiovisual feedback is provided based on normalized values. A client will be rewarded for success in terms of scores, by playing music, by showing a picture or with a video game.

The meaning of biofeedback is about reaching optimal health across physical, mental and emotional states. It focuses on treating the cause of health problems, rather than treating symptoms. Biofeedback is a method for visualizing and training physiological processes resulting from the mind-body interface.

Research shows that biofeedback, by itself and combined with other behavioral therapies, is effective for treating a range of medical and psychological disorders. Please see the Assocation for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB) review of efficacy ratings for an overview of biofeedback and neurofeedback applications.

👉 Awareness of physiological processes

👉 Active role and participation of the client

👉 Holistic approach of body and mind

👉 Non-pharmacological and non-invasive

👉 Complementary to existing therapies

Physiological signals explained

Modalities commonly used in biofeedback include blood volume pulse (BVP), electrodermal (EDR), electroencephalographic (EEG), heart rate (HR),heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory (RESP), surface electromyographic (SEMG), and peripheral temperature (TEMP) biofeedback.

Blood Volume Pulse (BVP)
Skin Conductance (SC, GSR, EDA)
Peripheral Temperature

Brain Activity (EEG)

Muscle Tension (EMG)

Heart Rate (ECG)


How biofeedback works !

During biofeedback training, one or more body functions, physiological signals, as described above, are measured in real time. Positive values are rewarded with audiovisual feedback such as video, music or a game.

MeasureAssess physiological activity of the body and define treatment plan
LearnGet insights in the body, brain and behavior by visualizing one or more parameters in real-time
OptimizeControl and optimize bodily functions with audiovisual feedback based on the physiological state
CheckMonitor results and check progress from one or multiple sessions

Biofeedback with NeXus

We offer integrated multimodal solutions for measuring and training a wide variety of physiological signals simultaneously. Our NeXus line comes with easy to use BioTrace+ Software. NeXus by Mind Media stands for reliable high-quality signals in real-time and is built with medical grade technology to perform very reliable and accurate measurements and analysis.