What is Neurofeedback?

Purpose of neurofeedback

Neurofeedback, sometimes referred to as EEG biofeedback, neurotherapy or cognitive enhancement, addresses brain dysregulation.

Neurofeedback is employed to modify the electrical activity of the Central Nervous System including EEG, event related potentials, slow cortical potentials and other electrical activity either of subcortical or cortical origin. Neurofeedback is a specialized application of biofeedback of brainwave data in an operant conditioning paradigm. 

Neurofeedback is a specific application of biofeedback for visualizing and training the electrical activity of the brain. Through visualization of brain activity people learn to better self-regulate their brain activity according to the principles of operant conditioning. By using brainwaves signals as real-time feedback the brain can be modulated. 

Neurofeedback is used to treat clinical conditions as well as to enhance performance. 

What is neurofeedback therapy?

During a neurofeedback session real-time audiovisual feedback is provided based on normalized values. A client will be rewarded for success in terms of scores, by playing music, by showing a picture or with a video game. Neurofeedback focuses on optimizing the brain, rather than suppressing symptoms, which is what medication does. With successful neurofeedback training, the medication that targets brain function can be reduced or no longer required. Neurofeedback is non-pharmacological and non-invasive. Neurofeedback can be used for improving attention, focus and performance. Research shows that neurofeedback, alone and combined with other behavioral therapies, is effective for treating several attention span related problems and sleep disorders.

👉 Assess neurophysiological responses and dysfunctional patterns

👉 Learn self-awareness over unconscious physiological changes

👉 Non-pharmacological and non-invasive solution

👉 Active role and participation of client

👉 Treating the cause of a problem versus treating symptoms

👉 Personalized training with multimedia feedback like videos, images, sound, games

How neurofeedback works !

During a neurofeedback session one or more brainwaves are measured. These brainwaves very in speed and can be trained to slower or faster brain waves. Through audiovisual feedback positive results in training the brainwaves are rewarded. By using brainwaves as real-time feedback, people can learn to become aware of usually unconscious processes, thereby allowing them to self-regulate physiological processes in order to modulate their brain. During a neurofeedback session real-time audiovisual feedback is provided based on normalized values.

MeasureAssess brain activity or brain function and define treatment plan
LearnGet insights in body, brain and behaviour by visualizing one or more EEG parameters in real-time 
OptimizeControl and optimize brainwaves and audiovisual feedback on the physiological state
CheckMonitor results and check progress from one or multiple sessions