- Data can be reviewed and edited in Session Overview by clicking the following symbol in the Session Control Bar. This will open the Session Overview.
- Use the right mouse click for using several options
Change display of signals
- Right-click the y-axis for changing the display of signals.
- Change the Y-scale range by choosing YScale range.
- Set the range manually or automatically.
- In order to save these settings, make sure to go to 'file' in the upper left corner and choose 'save screen'
Selecting and zooming data
- Select data by clicking the left mouse button on the time axis and dragging the mouse to the left or right.
When releasing the mouse button, a drop down menu will appear. Choose Zoom selected data to zoom in to the data. Alternatively use the + and - keys on the numerical keyboard to zoom in.
- The Size of TIME axis can also be changed by clicking the right mouse button in the session overview and choosing the length of the time axis from a drop down menu.
- Right click and choose Time-axis <Fit Session> under Size of TIME axis to display the full session again. Press backspace to quickly show all data.
- There are several predefined segment types available, like baseline, train, stressor, relax etc. Add specific segments in sessions to distinguish different phases in a recording.
- After selecting a part of the data, a segment can be defined by using the Add Segment option.
Artifact areas
- Artifact areas are special types of segments that mark a part of the session as being 'invalid'. These artifact areas will be excluded for analysis. The data in the artifact area will not be deleted, it is only 'marked' as being artifact.
Manually marking artifact areas
- Create an artifact area by selecting data, and choosing Segment: add Artifact area.
- The artifact segment will appear as a red cross hatched area.
Automatic artifact rejection
- Enable automatic artifact rejection by right clicking the screen and open Automatic artifact rejection > Enable rejection.
- One or two criteria for data rejection can be set. Whenever a signal meets a criterion, red marks will appear just above the time axis.
- The automatic artifact rejection option will be enabled for all future recordings. In order to disable it, choose Automatic artifact rejection > Disable rejection
Session statistics
- Right click the Session Overview screen and choose Compute statistics: > On entire session or > On all segments.
- It is also possible to compute statistics over a selected data area. Select an area and click Segment: compute statistics.
- The Session Statistics screen will appear.
- This will show basic statistics (min, max, mean, etc.) for each signal that is displayed. Selected text from this dialog box can be copied and pasted.
- Click the Print! (preview) button to print or export the report as a PDF file.