Fibromyalgia : Learnings from Research

NeXus Systems and Fibromyalgia Research: Advancing Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Interventions

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and sensitivity to pressure. It is often associated with sleep disturbances, cognitive difficulties ("fibro fog"), and autonomic dysfunction. While the exact cause remains unclear, research suggests that fibromyalgia involves a combination of central sensitization, autonomic dysregulation, and psychological factors. Biofeedback and neurofeedback interventions have emerged as promising complementary approaches for managing fibromyalgia symptoms. NeXus systems by Mind Media have played a crucial role in this research, offering real-time physiological monitoring and training capabilities. With its ability to measure EEG (electroencephalography), HRV (heart rate variability), EMG (electromyography), and skin conductance, NeXus provides a sophisticated platform for studying and managing fibromyalgia symptoms.

NeXus Systems in Fibromyalgia Research

NeXus systems have been utilized in fibromyalgia studies to assess physiological responses, modulate neural activity, and develop personalized interventions. By tracking autonomic function, stress levels, and brainwave activity, researchers and clinicians can implement strategies to help patients manage pain perception and improve overall well-being.

Key Research Findings on Fibromyalgia and Biofeedback

1. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Biofeedback for Fibromyalgia Symptom Reduction

A study published in Biofeedback examined the role of heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback in managing fibromyalgia symptoms. Using NeXus systems to provide real-time HRV feedback, participants learned to regulate their autonomic nervous system activity. The study found that HRV biofeedback reduced pain perception, improved emotional regulation, and enhanced overall resilience, supporting its application in fibromyalgia management.

2. Neurofeedback Training to Modulate Pain Processing

Fibromyalgia is associated with abnormal central pain processing. A study in Journal of Neurotherapy investigated the effects of neurofeedback training on fibromyalgia patients. Employing NeXus EEG monitoring, researchers found that neurofeedback helped modulate dysregulated brainwave activity, leading to reductions in pain intensity, fatigue, and cognitive fog.

3. Biofeedback-Assisted Stress and Anxiety Reduction in Fibromyalgia Patients

Stress and anxiety exacerbate fibromyalgia symptoms, making effective stress management crucial. A study in Psychophysiology Research explored the use of biofeedback-assisted relaxation training in fibromyalgia patients. Utilizing NeXus systems to track physiological markers of stress, the study demonstrated that biofeedback training significantly reduced anxiety, improved sleep quality, and helped patients better manage their symptoms.

4. EEG Biomarkers for Personalized Fibromyalgia Treatment

A study in Clinical Neurophysiology utilized NeXus EEG monitoring to identify specific brainwave patterns associated with fibromyalgia severity. Researchers found that distinct EEG biomarkers correlated with heightened pain sensitivity, suggesting the potential for EEG-based diagnostics and personalized neurofeedback interventions tailored to individual fibromyalgia sufferers.

Future Directions in Fibromyalgia Research with NeXus

As interest in non-pharmacological treatments for fibromyalgia continues to grow, NeXus systems offer valuable opportunities for advancing research and clinical applications. Potential future directions include:

  • Personalized neurofeedback and biofeedback protocols tailored to individual fibromyalgia profiles
  • Integration of NeXus with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and VR (Virtual Reality) for immersive fibromyalgia management therapies
  • Longitudinal studies on neurophysiological changes in individuals undergoing biofeedback and neurofeedback training


NeXus systems have significantly contributed to fibromyalgia research by providing precise physiological monitoring and training capabilities to support fibromyalgia management. By offering real-time feedback and personalized interventions, NeXus technology enables researchers and clinicians to explore evidence-based solutions for reducing fibromyalgia symptoms and improving patients' quality of life. As research progresses, NeXus will continue to shape the future of non-pharmacological fibromyalgia treatments, offering effective and patient-centered care.

Explore the research papers published using NeXus for research on Fibromyalgia